Thursday, June 16, 2011

Inspiring action

Back from a wonderful vacations with many many thoughts on the script. It's gone from a feature to TV Pilot. BA works so much better as an episodic show anywhoos. I've restructured things somewhat so I don't lose what I've written, but can head in a new direction with additional characters. To meet my goal I have to write at least 3 pages a day, which is doable as long as I have the scene in mind the previous night...or, y'know, not. I feel pretty solid up until the halfway point and hopefully by then I'll have figured out the rest.

Anyway, Kat had a few TED talks playing in her car as we were driving about. I liked one so much I thought I should post it.
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad it was a good vacation for you too. And I'm thrilled that you did a lot of thinking on your script. I did some thinking, but probably not nearly as productive thinking as you did.
