Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Trailer Park

Which is, by no means, a new joke.  Trailers have always excited me, they're little bundles of potential. No matter how bad the film actually is, the trailer can almost always make it seem good. And obviously there are many trailers that are so much better than the actual films.

I'm going to try to post links to things that inspire me or get me excited about film, writing, or cephalopods in general. However, I'm going out of town for a few days and am still packing.
So I'll post a trailer for Inception because it does what a trailer should - it gets you excited about the film, it teases your pallet and gives you just enough information to be interested without giving too much away. Well, I might argue this gives quite a bit away, but it's all premisy stuff and if you've seen the film, you know how little of the meat of the film it gives away. Soooo I guess I won't be arguing that point. hmmm...what's this on the floor...

Finally a trailer has to be put together well: from a technical, functional standpoint.  You might have zero interest in seeing the film going in, but a good trailer will keep you watching.  It's an art form all of its own.

1 comment:

  1. This trailer was far more effective than the teaser I kept seeing in the theater. This one actually makes me want to see the movie. The other just made it look like a big action movie with fantastic effects, which as we all know can be enough to make people see the movie, but add in Leo DiCaprio and for me it makes me less likely to see it.
