I've been working the past few days down at the Lake shooting a Law Conference. Three 11-hour days full of video, law and heavy lifting. However, I did have a chance to speak to a few individuals about why they do what they do. It's one of the questions I have to break the ice. It was interesting the variety of answers I received. One individual went into Immigration Law to help out "his people" (he was Latino) as he described it. However, after a few years it was so soul crushing, he had to get out to preserve his sanity. I understand. I was working on a Immigration Doc for a few years and what I discovered in the research was mind-boggling. It's really no wonder we have issues with illegal immigration in this country. It makes your head spin just trying to get a partial grasp on it.
I also had some crazy allergic attack to the pillows in the hotel room. So after 3 full days of work and not much sleep I'm a little exhausted and prone to random posts. Which, I suppose is better than posting randomly. ... or not.
Cool things going on:
I'm listening to a borrowed Inception soundtrack and I'm going to have to buy my own copy. It's not quite as good as the Dark Knight soundtrack, but still pretty awesome in it's own right. Very atmospheric, which really, is what you should expect.
I also came across this video again and thought I'd post it here:
I found it many moons ago and posted it to a few places. It's still pretty inspiring, both in content and execution.
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